How do I get started?
You select a package and make the relevant payment(s). You will also complete a comprehensive questionnaire which covers all areas of nutrition, exercise and your current lifestyle. This enables us to tailor a unique program based on your situation, goals and requirements.
Do I have to take photos and measurements?
This is not a requirement, but it is highly recommended. Having an initial set of measurements and photos of you front on, side on and from the rear allow us to see what areas we need to focus on and gives us a frame of reference to compare against. Seeing changes in your measurements as your body transforms gives a good indication of how well the program is working. This is also a great way to stay motivated.
Do I have to cook separately to the family?
All of the meals prescribed can be enjoyed by the whole family. However, if you have fussy eaters and need to cook for the family separately, it is just a matter of being organised. Preparing your meals in advance would make them easily accessible.
I donʼt have a gym membership. Can I still join up?
Absolutely! The comprehensive questionnaire will cover all these areas. All fitness programs can be designed for the gym, home, park or beach.
What sort of support do you offer?
24/7 email support is provided throughout your program. All emails will be answered within 24 hours. Weekly emails are sent for feedback and changes to the program are made as required. You will also be updated with helpful tips, articles and motivational quotes and videos.
Can I still eat out?
Yes. Most restaurants offer healthy choices these days. You are given the tools to apply when ordering, covering a number of different cuisines. Free choices are also incorporated into your program to ensure you never feel deprived.
Can I drink alcohol?
If this is an indulgence that you enjoy, then we can incorporate some alcohol into your plan. Remember this is a lifestyle change, and you should never feel that you are missing out on your favourite things.
Do you cater for special dietary needs and food likes/dislikes?
Our comprehensive nutrition questionnaire covers all these questions. We can cater for vegetarians, dairy free, gluten free, etc. We also will not include any foods that you dislike.
I am so busy, how will your program work?
Making the decision to change your life has to become a priority. We do our best to make sure that your exercise program is designed to fit into your busy life by giving you options of workout plans for the home, park, hotel room (if you are a frequent traveller) or for the gym. The nutrition plan is sent to you at the beginning of each week covering the next 7 days, giving you plenty of time to get organised by doing the shopping and any necessary preparation to keep you on track through your busy life. There really arenʼt any excuses.
I have tried many diet and exercise programs before. Why will yours work?
We canʼt make you eat or exercise what is prescribed for you. We do guarantee unconditional support, encouragement and knowledge to set you on your way to a healthy lifestyle change. If you stay true to your commitment and follow your tailored program, then there is no reason why you wouldnʼt see results. Results are not necessarily a drop on the scales. It is evident through increased energy levels, endurance and strength, clothes feeling looser or generally feeling more alert and content in your own skin.
Our programs do not give you a magic pill or any crash-diet plans. We base our programs on long term maintainable results. We believe this is the key to reaching your goals.
My friend wants to lose weight too. Can she follow my plan?
The comprehensive questionnaire is based on your own personal requirements and can differ markedly from person to person. It is recommended that friends or family members sign up for their own customised program as no two bodies are alike.
I don’t live in Australia. Will the program still work for me?
The beauty of online training is that you can be anywhere in the world. Our programs are adaptable to any area or country.