Hi all! It has been some time since I have written here and I apologise. The summer holidays were amazing for me. I spent much needed quality time with my three gorgeous boys. We ventured to the beach, picnics, aquarium, waterslides, museums, movies, stayed home and got away for a few days too. My sister […]

Greetings from Vegas Winning the Open Figure and Muscle Model in the 2010 WSNO/FAME World Championships here in Las Vegas, USA has been amazing. WOW! It is like a fairytale land here with all the castle looking casinos. It is quite an experience being here for a competition. Being my first international show, it is hard […]

I entered the 2010 ANB Australian Natural Physique titles doubting myself. My condition was not at the standard I wanted for a national show. Although it had been a harder journey, I had enjoyed the process. Staying true to myself I know I couldn’t have done anything more. My nutrition and training had been spot […]